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- Create Date July 5, 2023
- Last Updated July 5, 2023
D6.2 Eco-design of Fatigue4Light chassis parts - Abstract
This report provides a summary of the continuous development process regarding the application of the specific eco-design actions that were defined in D1.2 for chassis parts as well as according to the four eco-design stages identified in the methodology.
This report discusses the need for sustainable design in the automotive industry, especially for electric vehicles (EVs) due to the added weight of the battery. The report describes the follow-up of the implementation of the nine ecodesign actions to improve the sustainability of EVs, covering areas such as material selection, design for disassembly and recycling, and numerical modeling optimization. The report presents a set of 9 strategies and 9 specific actions defined in D1.2 specifically for Fatigue4Light project, ranked through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The report then follows up on the implementation of these ecodesign actions, discussing the advantages and challenges associated with each of them, and how they have been applied to different parts of the EV chassis. The importance of considering ecodesign actions in the early design stage of the vehicle to fully apply optimal design for lightweight is emphasized. Overall, the report highlights the need for a holistic approach to designing and manufacturing EVs that encompasses various aspects such as energy efficiency, material selection, and end-of-life considerations at an early stage of design.