Project Coordinator
CIMNE is a public R+D centre in computational engineering with a strong focus on knowledge transfer. It was created in 1987 as a partnership between the Government of Catalonia and UPC in cooperation with UNESCO. The aim of CIMNE is the development of numerical methods and computational techniques for advancing knowledge and technology in engineering and applied sciences.
In December 2019 became one of the six “Centre for Excellence Severo Ochoa” accredited by the Spanish State Research Agency (attached to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities).
Contribution to Fatigue4Light
CIMNE is coordinating the Fatigue4Light consortium and is in charge of performing nonlinear numerical modelling of fatigue on chassis components considering the effect of the manufacturing processes on the overall fatigue behaviour. CIMNE will also assist the industrial partners in evaluating the weight reduction of the different material solutions analysed and rank their overall performance, deriving lightweighting guidelines.