Lightweight materials deployment in Electric Vehicles chassis parts: Fast testing methodologies
October 24th | 10.00h - 11.30h CEST, Online
The Fatigue4Light project held its first industrial webinar to present the research and developments being carried out regarding lightweight materials deployment in Electric Vehicles (EVs) chassis parts. The use of innovative lightweight materials is crucial for lowering EVs cost and reducing vehicle chassis weight, which has a positive impact in CO2 emissions reduction.
During the webinar, project partners presented the expected outcomes of the Fatigue4Light project for the automotive and steel industry and delved into the latest research approaches in the characterization and modelling of advanced mechanical properties such as fracture resistance and crashworthiness in high performance metals.
The Fatigue4Light project is developing lightweight solutions adapted to the chassis parts of Electric Vehicles to enhance weight reduction compared to current solutions and increase vehicles’ safety due to reduced sprung mass. The project is focused on the development of new tests and computer simulation methods to better estimate the fatigue life of chassis components and to select the optimal materials for lighter vehicle chassis.
Fatigue4Light is one of the first projects tackling weight reduction in automotive chassis parts, which is a necessary step to further progress in electric vehicle lightweighting, as reduction of vehicle weight impacts positively in CO2 emissions, electric vehicle autonomy, driveability and security.
10.00 – Welcome & Introduction
Daniel Casellas, Scientific Director, Eurecat
10.05 – The Fatigue4Light project: Boosting the use of lightweight materials in Electric Vehicles’ chassis
Lucia Barbu, Fatigue4Light project’s coordinator, CIMNE
10.20 – Understanding the fatigue behaviour of lightweight materials through a rapid fatigue test
Sergi Parareda, Researcher at the Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit, Eurecat
10.35 – Self-heating tests on lightweight materials: a powerful tool for rapid
fatigue estimation
Rémi Munier, Research Engineer, ArcelorMittal
10.50 – Lightweighting steel wheels: a challenge for future sustainable mobility
Davide Ronco, Research and Development Manager, MW