H2020 project

Boosting the use of lightweight materials in Electric Vehicles' chassis

New tests and computer simulation methodologies for electric vehicle chassis weight reduction

Fatigue4Light project

Fatigue modelling and fast testing methodologies to optimise part design and to boost lightweight materials deployment in chassis parts

Fatigue4Light project is focused on the development of new tests and computer simulation methods to better estimate the fatigue life of chassis components and to select the optimal materials for lighter vehicle chassis.

The project has applied new materials tailored to the requirements of vehicle chassis, such as advanced high-strength steels, special automotive stainless steels, high-strength aluminium alloys and hybrid metal-fibre reinforced polymeric materials.

The goal is to reduce vehicle chassis weight compared to the current solutions, taking into account eco-design and circular economy aspects.

Find out more with Fatigue4Light video!

Beyond the state of the art

One-of-the-first projects tackling weight reduction in automotive chassis parts

New lightweight materials for EV's chassis

Fatigue4Light addresses the applicability of metal and composite materials for their applicability as affordable solutions for Electric Vehicles chassis’ lightweight.

Innovative numerical modelling and experimental tests

Development of two modelling approaches in order to optimise the selection of new materials and reduce the implementation time between material development and the design of a new chassis part.

Fatigue4Light project

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Our team

Fatigue4Light interdisciplinary consortium is made up of 13 partners from 4 European countries required for the development of the lighter and more efficient Electric Vehicle’s chassis.
Research Institutions
Industrial companies
Standardisation body