Partners from RISE disseminate Fatigue4Light during the International Conference on Composite Materials

Partners from RISE disseminate Fatigue4Light during the International Conference on Composite Materials Fatigue4Light partners from RISE attended the 23rd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM23) taking place from 30th July – 4th August in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Jocke Pettersson, project partner and senior scientist at RISE, participated in the session “Structural Health Monitoring” presenting the…

A rule of mixtures approach for delamination damage analysis in compositematerials

A rule of mixtures approach for delamination damage analysis in composite materials Composites Science and Technology, Volume 242 (2023) by Alireza Taherzadeh-Fard, Alejandro Cornejo, Sergio Jiménez and Lucia Gratiela Barbu (International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) and Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)) The present study aims at investigating the delamination behavior of laminated…

Fatigue4Light presented during an industrial workshop organised by the RFCS projects ToughSteel, CRYSTAL and MiPre

Fatigue4Light presented during an industrial workshop organised by the RFCS projects ToughSteel, CRYSTAL and MiPre The Fatigue4Light project was presented during the joint industrial workshop “Advanced material characterization methods to face new challenges in the sheet steel sector”, organised by ToughSteel, CRYSTAL and MiPre, three research projects funded under the frame of the Research Fund…

Fatigue4Light partners from MW participate in the International Munich Chassis Symposium

Fatigue4Light partners from MW participate in the International Munich Chassis Symposium Project partners from MW attended the 14th International Munich Chassis Symposium celebrated from 20 – 21 of June as a hybrid event in via live stream and in Munich (Germany). The International Munich Chassis Symposium is the key worldwide meeting place for…

standardisation in research and innovation projects

How can standardisation help to promote and facilitate the commercialisation of Fatigue4Light solutions?

How can standardisation help to promote and facilitate the commercialisation of Fatigue4Light solutions?   What is standardisation? Standardisation is a fundamental competitive intelligence tool for the access of companies’ products and services to European and International markets, as well as to anticipate the evolution of the conditions of access to them. “Standards bridge the gap…

A damage-based uniaxial fatigue life prediction method for metallic materials

A damage-based uniaxial fatigue life prediction method for metallic materials Materials & Design, Volume 231 (2023) by S. Parareda (Eurecat, Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, Unit of Metallic and Ceramic Materials; CIEFMA – Department of Materials Science and Engineering, EEBE, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech), D. Casellas (Eurecat, Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, Unit of Metallic and Ceramic…

The Fatigue4Light project takes part in the EU Green Week with a webinar on sustainable mobility organised in collaboration with the EnLightEVs cluster

The Fatigue4Light project takes part in the EU Green Week with a webinar on sustainable mobility organised in collaboration with the EnLightEVs cluster The EnlightEVs cluster, participated by Fatigue4Light in collaboration with other European projects, organised the webinar “Towards a more sustainable mobility through the implementation of advanced solutions and lightweight materials in Electric Vehicles”…

Stellantis CRF presents Fatigue4Light during a workshop on innovative materials for sustainable transport

Stellantis CRF presents Fatigue4Light during a workshop on innovative materials for sustainable transport The Fatigue4Light project was presented during the workshop “Innovative materials and processes for sustainable transport” organised by AQM (Centro Servizi Tecnici alle Imprese) and Streparava last 24th of May in Italy. The workshop, celebrated in AQM plant, had the objective to discuss…